Digital paraSITE
Endoparasites rely on a third organism, known as the vector, or carrier. The vector transmits the endoparasite to the host.
Data mined from my "business" google account
Data mined from my "spam" google account
Google ad profiling
This website allows you to gain insight into your data and what is accessible to different companies.

This combined with my google profile gave me the inspiration for the content of the virus
Data mined from my "spam" google account
The parasite
what ?
A virus or parasite that exposes the information big tech corporations have accumulated with data mining
how ?
By highjacking the advertisements on popular social media platforms, displaying very personal and private information
why ?
Talking about the topics within this practice has made me realize many of us have become completely desensitized to surveillance capitalism. We see it as a necessary evil in order to be able to use these platforms. But what kind of host would welcome you in just to take advantage of you? This virus is a rude awakening to the fact that our host (these platforms) might take more than it pretends to offer.

It also shows how algorithms used for advertising often discriminate against certain groups. Women, people of color and those with a lower income are often targeted negatively or left out of the picture entirely.

If we do not question and criticize these systems will go unchecked and do great damage to soceity.